Monday, January 4, 2010

Blog Overhaul

Hi all - over the next few days and weeks, I will be doing a lot of changes to this blog.  As you know I do not post as often as I should and one reason is because I myself find my blog to be boring and uninviting! 

Here is what I have in mind:
- creating multiple tabs (pages) to break up content for different areas of interest such as
  • knitting pattern, yarn etc
  • Camelidynamics
  • alpaca health etc
  • new cria pics when applicable
  • My new alpaca book launch
  • off topic and other topics of interest
- changing color and graphics to make it more pleasing to the eye
- creating a 3 or 4 column design to add more content

Once I have this modified, I will be doing some promotional give aways of roving or yarn. 

Any suggestions are welcome!!

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